Our family has been praying for a car for months. My husband has a very good job, but with a family of 5 in Florida's economy, we have enough, but no extra. Our 1996 truck, our only vehicle, just turned over 200,000 miles. It started creaking and groaning, telling us that very soon numerous repairs would be needed. We've looked at a lot of vehicles, but none of them were in the price range that we needed.
This past week my husband was talking with a man who mentioned that his mother-in-law had a car that she wanted to sell. It was a 2005 Mercury Montego with 10,000 miles. We were very interested in buying it, but didn't have $5,000 saved. (The car was worth double that amount.) The Lord made a way that an individual provided financing for us with no interest. We should have it paid off before next year. God is Jehovah Jireh, our provider. He makes a way where there seems to be no way.