"To be human is to be beautifully flawed." (From the movie October Baby).
Well this wasn't a pleasant topic for me, because I have a human nature that loves perfection. God prompted me to find out about flawed sculptures. I Googled "flawed sculptures" on my phone. This is what I read:
"Sculptors have to deal with the limitations of their stone. It may not be the same size or shape as their design. They must adjust the design. Michelangelo had to design his colossal David from a block with a hole in the middle. -from the website The Best Artists
In my 43 years I had never read or heard about this.
I didn't know much about Michelangelo's sculpture so I Googled "Michelangelo's David." I discovered that the sculpture David is said to be the most beautiful sculpture of all. David is estimated to be worth about 400 million dollars. I pondered. Michelangelo's masterpiece David started out to be a piece of marble with a gaping hole in it?
Then God started speaking to my heart. "You, daughter, are like that block of marble. You are beautifully flawed. Now here's the deal. Flaws don't bother Me. I created you the way you are and knew the moment you were born in the fallen world in which you live. I am aware of your failings. My eyes have observed all your moments. I know the things that you were born with and wish you could change. I have studied the history of your life, the good and bad. I saw and see the pain, the joy, the moments that shouldn't have been and the moments that were. I see your heart. I know your insecurities, even the walls that you build to keep people out. I am using your brokeness and imperfections, to make my glory shine brighter in your life. I love you just the way you are and I care for you."
Tears surfaced as I was reminded of God's unfailing love. I realized how He sees me. That He truly sees Me for who I am-- all that I'm not and loves me anyway. Not only does He see and know me, He's still chipping away, as the sovereign Sculptor, at the "stuff" in my life. I just have to be still and let Him work.
Tears surfaced as I was reminded of God's unfailing love. I realized how He sees me. That He truly sees Me for who I am-- all that I'm not and loves me anyway. Not only does He see and know me, He's still chipping away, as the sovereign Sculptor, at the "stuff" in my life. I just have to be still and let Him work.
To be human is to be beautifully flawed and perfectly loved by God, our Sculptor.--jj