Recently in my Bible reading I the story of Hagar grabbed my attention. Hagar was Abraham's maid and the mother of his first child. The child Ishmael was the product of Abraham and Sarah's impatience. Hagar was so distressed by Sarah's harsh treatment that she ran away. In her brokenness she had a God encounter. It is recorded in Genesis the 16th chapter that God saw Hagar and sent an angel to tell her to name her son Ishmael that means "God Hears." At this moment Hagar starts referring to God as El-roi "The God who sees me." She had a personal experience that let her know that God cared for her. This encounter gave her the courage needed to return to her mistress.
Hagar a simple maid, had a God experience in her distress, that made her aware that God was aware of her and that He saw HER situation. This story gave me faith to believe that if God heard and saw Hagar, God also sees and knows OUR situations. Sometimes our desperation is good for us because it leads us closer to the One who loves us and can help us.
Have you ever been broken to the point of desperately crying out to God? Maybe you even felt like you couldn't pray anymore prayers? Have you felt like your prayers weren't being heard? Just because we don't see the answer, it doesn't mean God didn't hear us. God sees. God hears. God answers. Every prayer.
Hannah in the Bible was so distraught that the preacher thought she was drunk. Hannah couldn't produce an audible utterance. Her soul itself made intercession to God. We have moments as humans when we come to the end of ourselves. At those moments God sees and hears. He answers the cries of our heart.
We must be aware that God's answers may not be what we expect. However, we can rest in the knowledge that God's ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts are beyond our thoughts. Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, declares the Lord." (NIV) God sees the eternal picture. His plan works all things for our good.
Today be assured that God sees your situation, God knows what you are going through, and God will answer your prayers.
1Peter 5:12
"For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are open to their cries."