Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Unfailing Love

There's a song that I memorized when I was about 12 years old called Unfailing Love by Evie Tourquist.  It goes something like this...

Unfailing love flows from His heart and heals my soul,
In spite of who I am He came and made me whole,
I almost can't believe it's so, unfailing love, and yet I know,
He gave His life, to give to me, unfailing love. 
If the highest mountain turn to ashes,
If the mighty river should run dry,
Should sun and moon be darkened,
I still will trust in Him, He's watching from above,
I'm trusting in His love.

Psalm 143:8 "Let the MORNING bring me the WORD of your UNFAILING LOVE."
What is unfailing love?  Unfailing means, inexhaustible, never running out. So God's love is a love that never runs out and never stops.  God's love is a love that keeps on loving us, even at our worst moments. 
The Bible tells us that God's mercies are new every morning.  Every morning there is enough love from Him to get us through the day.  You are loved.  What an awesome thought to think that the Creator of all heaven and nature has an endless supply of love that never runs out.
I think back to a time when I was hospitalized for 5 days.  The nights, when I was by myself, seemed so long. It seemed like morning would never come.  I wonder if that was what David was thinking of when he talked about the morning bringing the word of God's unfailing love.  The morning brings hope.  Sometimes the "night" in your life can feel so long.  Don't forget morning is on the way.  Don't forget that God loves you.  As Phil Vischer states, "God doesn't love me for what I can do for him, he just loves me, when I've done nothing at all."
This week rest in the knowledge of God's unfailing love. -- j.lyn jones 

Psalm 46:1 KJV

"God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble."

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