Monday, June 4, 2012

Weekend Rest: A Soul Makeover

Rev. 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock."
Renew: To make new again, as to restore
Synonyms Renovate, Restore, Revive

Jesus stands at the heart's door.  Knocking. 
He gazes into our souls. 
 His eyes look throughout the Earth to see who will open the door to Him. 
It is so difficult to open the door of our soul. 
What if He sees all our clutter?
Our need for renovation? 
The peeling wallpaper, the tattered drapes,
 brokenness, the dirt left by some careless family member or friend,
 the cobwebs of unbelief lurking in the corners,
the mold of hurt growing conspicuously,  
noticeable piles of unresolved pain...what if He sees? 
But He does see. 
He made the soul's house, the skin, the bones, the mind, in which we live.
He knocks, waiting to give us soul makeovers.
Will you be renewed? Will you open the door? 
 His forgiveness is like an expert cleaning and decorating crew.
 He uncovers every sin, every hurt, only to heal, to help, restore and make new. 
We must first invite Him in.
"Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.
Come in and renew me.
Renew my brokenness, restore my soul,
take away anything that would displease you, my guest. 
 Make my heart your home
Be my constant companion.
Let the temple of my mind, my heart be a dwelling place for your spirit."
Psalm 51:7b
 ..."wash me and I will be whiter than snow." 
Lord renew us with your Spirit and your grace. 
Renew us, and revive us. Please give us soul "makeovers."
--j.lyn jones

Miracle Monday: Living Faith

"What is faith? It is the very nature of God. Faith is the Word of God.  It is the personal inward flow of divine favor, which moves in every fiber of our being until our whole nature is quickened that we live by faith, we move by faith, and we are going to be caught up to glory by faith, for "Faith is the Victory!"  Faith is the glorious knowledge of a personal presence within you, changing you from strength to strength, from glory to glory, unitl you get to the palce where you walk with God... God wants us to have far more than that which we can handle and see, and so He speakes of te substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen; but with the eye of faith, we may see it in all its beauty and grandeur....Faith is the divine plan, for it brings you to the open door that you might enter in."
Excerpt from: Smith Wigglesworth: The Complete Collection, Living Faith, February 1935, p.741.

Only believe.  So simple, yet so difficult.  I am reminded of a story told by the late Bro. T.W. Barnes.  An eighty pound lady doctor was brought to the Illinois Camp meeting on a stretcher.  She was so weak and ill she was unable to come into the camp tabernacle.  A group of saints and Bro. Barnes went into her room. As he looked into the face of the dying woman,  his desire was for her to look beyond herself, and know that God's Word stands forever. This woman was stricken with stomach cancer and had not been able to keep any food in her stomach.  After God touched her, through the prayer of faith, she got up and ate two hamburgers.  She gave her testimony the last day of camp.  She said, "God healed me of cancer, I wish He had healed this goiter on my neck." (The goiter was about the size of an egg.)  The Spirit moved on Bro. Barnes and he told her, "Sister, in the name of Jesus, before you can touch the growth, it will be gone."  The campground audience watched as the growth on the woman's neck disappeared.  All things are possible, only believe.

 "Healing virtue does not have to come down; it is everywhere
flowing through us as we believe."--Bro. T.W. Barnes

Note from Jen:

Dear friends,

Over the summer months, due to attending prayer conference and several weeks of camp I will be blogging Miracle Monday and Weekend Rest. At the end of summer, I will resume my normal blogging schedule. Expecting many miracles and a lot more cool God stuff to write about.  Would love to hear about your personal miracles to share and publish them on Miracle Monday. 
Email me at God bless you. Love, Jennifer

Psalm 46:1 KJV

"God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble."

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